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Activity within our fleet

Posted: October 13th, 2012, 11:48 am
by Shroombuck
My fellow officers,

Let us all realise that we have to look at the emergency with which we are currently faced, and which would justify the strong and unusual measures which we thought it necessary to take. If we continue on this road of inactivity our glorious fleet shall be hurled into an abyss of horror which no officer can dare to contemplate. The Council of Admirals was criticised very severely at the beginning for not dealing with the difficulties and troubles that plague our fleet, but I think we all have to admit now that at any rate, we strained every effort in our power to try to substitute other means of maintaining activity and order. I can assure my fellow officers that the feelings with which we as a Council acted have never departed from our minds.

We soon intend to place before you our plan for a better and active fleet. It will be a plan harmonious with your interests as officers and we are resolved that it shall be a plan creditable to its authors. As a Council we do not desire to be responsible for the fortunes of a measure not seriously intended to become the new cornerstone for this glorious fleet. We have consulted, and we shall consult fully, with all of our officers, but the eventual decision rests with us. I say on behalf of the Council of Admirals that we will cheerfully, confidently and with honour work on the situation which has arisen, because as trustees for you, our officers, responsible for your enjoyment in this Star Trek community, thinking only of that and of your vital needs, we will do our duty.

Patria est ubicumque est bene.

Re: Activity within our fleet

Posted: October 13th, 2012, 11:53 am
by Warfire
For those that don't speak latin, Shroombuck says "home is where you feel comfortable" and I have to agree. I'm still new, I've never run an STF with anyone here or even fought alongside anyone here (although I have had chances to group with officers) but I feel a connection to this fleet and to you all.

The ideals of this fleet are just as strong as they always have been. Whilst we still fight for each other and stand up for each other this fleet is only going to get stronger.

Re: Activity within our fleet

Posted: October 13th, 2012, 12:18 pm
by Kaito
hear, hear

Re: Activity within our fleet

Posted: October 13th, 2012, 3:12 pm
by Taylynn
I have to agree with Shroom and Warfire. However, I have to add and I mean no disrespect, it starts with the Senior Officers. If we as Senior Officers just standby and have low activity it shows no leadership and no one to trust. It all trickles down from the top rank to the lowest rank. I may not have access to the council of admirals but I have served and befriended most of the council for a very long time and for at least 3 years now and I trust them as in what they intend. However, they cannot take too long as that as activity decreases so does our activity on the forums, chats, and even in game. we have officers that log onto STO and NO ONE is one. I understand that we are all in different time zones but lets try to see if ppl can be on, at least more than 1 person LOL.....

Engineering or rather myself has posted in the Internal Announcements of a(n) Contest, lets all get up on that to try to have a fun thing to do. Lets all work as a team and keep the Fleet going, lets all work as a team and help each other in game, and help each other in forums. Lets bring the activity back up. I am on the forums several times a day and the only person I talk to is myself, I see no new postings for much of anything anymore. Engineering is at a dead crawl bc either no one wants a sig or ac or updates to be done. As I am sure Ops is slow as well.

Lets get some things going guys and gals. I hope that I can start seeing more activity on the forums.

Re: Activity within our fleet

Posted: October 13th, 2012, 6:27 pm
by Janeway
I have to agree with everything said here so far. When I first joined FC I remember telling Picard going in that I'm not exactly the beacon of activity. I was in fact planning on retiring from UFP around that time. I really didn't and still don't have the time to spend playing video games (heck, I have no interest in video games and never really even liked them) but it takes only a few minutes to browse our most glorious forums and contribute. I've grown a fondness for this community that I've been a part of since the end of 2006 and I want to see it succeed. That's why I'm still here.

Re: Activity within our fleet

Posted: October 13th, 2012, 6:59 pm
by Kaito
Well, there ya go...

Re: Activity within our fleet

Posted: October 14th, 2012, 1:36 am
by Bailo
I believe there to be also communications problems within the fleet. Back when EVERYONE was on MSN messenger, all you had to do was ask someone who was online if they fancied a game. Nowadays, you have to log in to STO and see who's there. More often than not there is no-one there. Once you've done most of your missions and completed the story there's only really the social side left to it. If there is no social gaming there's no fun. Sure you can run STF's and Fleet actions but its not half as fun without someone chat to while your doing it. No fun and no-one really plays. We could do with going back and using a communications system (even if it does have to be MSN) that's simple to log in to and leave it there until you notice someone come on or you get a message yourself. That's just how i see it anyway.

Re: Activity within our fleet

Posted: October 14th, 2012, 11:23 pm
by Costello
Here is the problem, STO is bad, no actually, it's abhorrent. FC and its incarnations are built and advanced by people who are not fooled by a cash-cow MMO model. The game is vaguely Trek, I mastered it quickly and to play it regularly becomes a grind. There are so many better things to do and we all know it.

Re: Activity within our fleet

Posted: October 15th, 2012, 10:06 am
Artful wrote:Here is the problem, STO is bad, no actually, it's abhorrent. FC and its incarnations are built and advanced by people who are not fooled by a cash-cow MMO model. The game is vaguely Trek, I mastered it quickly and to play it regularly becomes a grind. There are so many better things to do and we all know it.
I disagree. STO is not bad, its actually pretty good. No whats bad is this fleets horribly low activity level. Im online quite often when im not in the air (or my wife) and the ONLY other fleet member ive seen online is Zion and that was only long enough to send me a fleet invite (thank you again, Zion). You say the social side of the game sucks and your right, unless you have people to play with! I remember back in the day the fleet was hopping every day! There was ALWAYS a game going in BC or EF2 - but now this place is a ghost town. We need better communication and more officer involvement such as practices, fleet actions, officer competitions ect. But mainly we just need people to show up! Lets get this fleet back to the way I remember it guys.

Re: Activity within our fleet

Posted: October 15th, 2012, 11:34 am
by Costello
Artful wrote:Here is the problem, STO is bad, no actually, it's abhorrent. FC and its incarnations are built and advanced by people who are not fooled by a cash-cow MMO model. The game is vaguely Trek, I mastered it quickly and to play it regularly becomes a grind. There are so many better things to do and we all know it.
I disagree. STO is not bad, its actually pretty good. No whats bad is this fleets horribly low activity level. Im online quite often when im not in the air (or my wife) and the ONLY other fleet member ive seen online is Zion and that was only long enough to send me a fleet invite (thank you again, Zion). You say the social side of the game sucks and your right, unless you have people to play with! I remember back in the day the fleet was hopping every day! There was ALWAYS a game going in BC or EF2 - but now this place is a ghost town. We need better communication and more officer involvement such as practices, fleet actions, officer competitions ect. But mainly we just need people to show up! Lets get this fleet back to the way I remember it guys.
It has an addicting quality but that does not make it good. I've mastered the game in every aspect, I even have tricks up my sleeve that exploit game mechanics. It has potential and that is a driving force to play but don't for a second think it holds up to its predecessors, it is okay or alright, but not "good". Season 6 was a disappointment (although Klingon bases are actually very well done), but Season 7 promises to be more story-driven, so there's hope for it yet.