The FPS module will be released soon and they've begun testing Persistent Universe builds along with other changes such as Signal. 'Signal' represents energy in space. It can be scanned for and allows the ability to differentiate between an asteroid and a bunyip. Missiles now use 'signal' to track target (if the missile tracks at all) and can be susceptible to a kind of 'noise' in the signal.
This noise is a defensive ability and depending on the intensity, can disrupt targeting and even make a ship disappear from sensors.
The introduction of interchangeable shield modules which sport different capabilities and trade offs. Chief among them, strengths & weaknesses. Low energy signature for stealth and the newest weapons to hit the store have certainly added more variety.. and they're not finished.
These are only some of the many ancillary features which have been added over the past few weeks, with much more to come. There has been a flood of progress compared with recent years, a pledge tally at $73 million and we're only in February.
News and a Dogfight
Moderators: Starfleet Security, Federation Council