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Public Announcements
Update to web site and forums - by Hartley
Visitor Forum
AI knows a lot about UFP/FC. Here's a chat I had with it. - by EVOXSNES
Entertainment Forum
Hey gang! - by Picard
The Constiution
Code of Conduct
Chain of Command

Enlist to Join

Starfleet Command


All seeing eye.

How to join the Federation Command

Before you apply to join the FC, please make sure that you have read and understood the FC Constitution.

  1. In order to join us you MUST be registered on the Federation Command Communication Array(forums). If you are not visit our forums by clicking here, and then click on the "Register" link in the middle top of the page and follow the instructions.

  2. Note: When registering please do not include any "rank" designations in your profile other than "Cadet" unless you are approved to enter FC at a higher rank. Rank designations in profiles are optional in most cases.

  3. Once you have registered on our forums you must post an Oath. To do this you must make a new topic in the "Oaths Forum" (a link to the forum is provided here). In this topic you must post the following and fill in the blanks:

I, name, solemnly and sincerely affirm that, on becoming commissioned within FEDERATION COMMAND, I will with the utmost honor, integrity, and respect, be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Constitution and associated Policies, customs and glorious traditions of FEDERATION COMMAND and all lawful orders of the Officers appointed above me, for as long as I remain an Officer.

Main Star Trek game Played: _______________
Other Star Trek games Played: _______________
Previous Star Trek Fleets Served in: _______________
Any other information here: _______________
  • Once this has been posted you should keep checking back until your oath is accepted or declined. Your oath will most likely be accepted except under extreme circumstances. In the mean time, browse around the visitors forums and interact with FC officers and the community. Thank you for applying to join the Federation Command, the best and most professional Star Trek gaming clan in the world.